Salaca river

The fifth largest river in Latvia, which flows out of Lake Burtnieks and is 94.4 km long. The Salaca is the basis of the nature park "Salaca Valley", one of the most picturesque rivers in Latvia with outstanding natural values. It is the most important natural salmon spawning river in Latvia. It has been granted the status of a salmon index river. The Salaca River is licensed.

 Licensed fishing and crayfishing in the Salaca section I are being introduced to ensure the protection of biodiversity and the rational use of valuable fish stocks, as well as to reduce the number of signal crayfish (Pacifastacusnleniusculus) as an invasive species.

In addition to fishing and crayfishing, the Salaca River offers many opportunities for vacationers:

  • Several rest areas;
  • boating (6 boat rentals available);
  • unforgettable sights (cliffs);

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